
Everyone around us often faces ... the lack of ideas and very often turns to our friend the Internet, taking full advantage of all that appears there. It was always considered that the Internet is a good. The generally accepted principle is that the Internet is for people who know how to use it effectively.

Nowadays, online piracy is exacerbated by the Internet and the ease of taking over online different types of works: license theses, works on doctor's degree, articles, songs, films, images.

A special field is software piracy consisting in the illegal copying of original programs or counterfeiting and distribution of unauthorized computer programs. Software piracy also refers to the situation where a person executes more copies than allowed or when borrows a copy of a program from someone else. When buying a program, users actually buy only the right to use that software. They do not have rights in it and shall be obliged to respect the license agreement that precedes almost all software installations.

The standards of copyright protection applies both to the reproduction of works printed on physical media and those in the digital environment. More details about protection of works on the Internet -